Compassion is the signature of Higher to Feeling some are problems us. There is now a mother crying in the war problems. There is now a mother crying by the death of her child in the war. There father became homeless there without his family. The Child became; there behind horror wall waiting for the kindness of us. There is an old man sleeps on the ground" After losing a the sleep Bed and benefits of treatment medicines in the war. Oh my God: The destruction and the loss of each. What's up, Hey! sons of Adam and Eve. All ignores encounter to Go to ''God'' Woe to us from punishment. God created us and He gave us so beautiful body, which increased the generosity by a the many creatures of God. And Recommended be Our heart is wide enough to embrace the world and hands are long enough to encompass the world. Get up now from the front of television channel silly steal mind. And Finished Concluded conscience before God and say you think with us how we are trying to prevent wars between the world in a peaceful way without problems. For the benefit of all children of the world and the future fate of the Political.

Теги других блогов: compassion peace world problems